Liz: Sweet! More Dexter pics!
Alison: Yay! Let's go look atthem!
Dru: I need a drink...
Liz:*reads shirt and blushes* I'm not even gonna say what I'm thinking of right now.
Dru: Huh?*reads dexter's shirt* Oh now that's just dirty!
Liz:*mischivous grin*
Someone: Dirt b'y!
Liz: What the? Aren't you supposed to be at my other site?
Someone: I'm visiting!
Dru: Get!
Dru: Why the hell is this here twice?
Liz: Because Freeservers is whacked.
Dru: Oh, well that explains it.
Liz: Double Dexter! I like it!
Dru:*shakes head*